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Situated in mountain pastures at an altitude of 1550m, facing the Mont-Blanc. Stunning location, accessible by car (2,5km on a rocky path).
6 sites for tents only. Shower : 1€.
From 15/06 to 15/09.
For groups:
Free of charge for
Free of charge for.
Infos complémentaires
- Confort : Communal washing machineHand wash basins with hot waterShower
- Services : Pets welcomeBar/refreshmentsPets supplementWi-fiIce storeTourist brochuresWashing machineRestaurantTable d'hôtePicnic hampers
- Équipements : GardenCar parkPrivate parkingTerracewashing-up bowlPlay areaToiletsShelter for bikes/mountain bikes
- Paiement : CheckTravellers ChequeCashCredit transfer
- Langues parlées : EnglishFrench
- Nombre d‘emplacements : 6
- Animaux acceptés : Oui